Guide to the sending of emails with MailBoy 2004 - step by step

on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I received a few requests on the drafting of a step by step guide to send emails with MailBoy. So, here it is:.

First, you must load the list of emails.

To load a list of e-mail, you will need to click on the button "Add" below "(mail list)" field:

After you have clicked on the button "Add", the called dialog "Add mail list" will appear.

Fill in the name of the list with whatever name you want (it is not important).

After that, click on the button "load Mail list" in the dialog box and your mail list:

The e-mail list will help you load must be in text with a single mail in

each line. If not, then use the "Import mail" instead of "Load Mail List" button
button. It retrieves all emails to the specified file, regardless of their position.

After the addition of the list of e-mail, you must choose which email you will send the message
Of. You can do this by selecting one of the accounts in the "FROM (account)" drop-down

If you do not have an account "of" added yet, you can do so by clicking on the

"add" bellow button field "(account)". A dialog box called "add account".
appear, fill it in and click on the button "Save":

Note that the info that you complete this dialog box will appear in the "Sender" field of the

the mailbox of the recipient:

You are now ready to write the message and send it:

Have just hit the Start button, and the program will begin to send the message to the

e-mails in the e-mail list that you created. You can view the status of the shipment
in the "Sending State" box in the program.

I hope that this guide will help. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us.

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