Countwise meet people solutions acts as an important tool for operational efficiency

on Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Companies that have a higher degree of insight into their operations are at an advantage against their competitors. Actionable intelligence enables proactive decisions within the company and a global specialist on the territory of the people counter offers solutions is exactly what.

CountWise helps companies around the world to consolidate operating costs, logistical requirements and improve their bottom line with solutions to track customer behaviour. Success of the company in the industry is based on its highly innovative people-counter systems to use the military-based form recognition and motion detection technology for the establishment of separate counts for adults, children and carts.

The company people indicators offer a complete bird's eye view of their activities and form an important component for the optimization of operational dynamics as marketing plan campaign performance, staff and customer service.

One such product within the comprehensive CountWise catalog is your count solution, is the world's leading people counter solution. This video-based monitoring system offers multi-zone, bi-directional functionality and display allows companies the peak sales opportunities identify, where foot traffic to its highest and in house conditions more suitable, buy special offers and other incentives. As a tool for increasing customer conversion rate I count is simply incomparable.

By using this solution class-leading organizations determine what times of the day can more staff than others, therefore their OPEX costs by reducing the provision of personnel historically low traffic at the time of the day consolidating need.

Accuracy is one of the most prominent products strengthen all CountWise, and the I number is no different. In fact, the I-count solution makes use of advanced digital image processing techniques to adapt environments and overcome shadows and reflections for a clear understanding of the activities of the company with accurate data is one.

-Count leads also the manner, as a versatile solution can be used for flexible area monitoring as each unit of organizations, five separate display zones include, ensure that all internal operations are monitored closely. Transmitted via count data will be network for quick access to actionable directly to the client, which executives transferred a powerful mechanism for quick, proactive decisions about company policies.

Of the company include exceptional traffic management solutions have within retail stores to out to public transport hubs, to a wide range of operational requirements serve environments was created.

Consider for example CountWise of the Z-count solution that allows organizations a direct window departmental operations. Z count was designed exactly to companies allow the placement of product policy Institute, the Internet habits of customers comply with. It thus serves as a first rate tool to increase the customer conversion rates, presented to decision makers with information such as key decisions related to visit length, volume, and foot traffic growth month and day and hour, measured a highly defined understanding of customer behavior.

Gain a new level of insight into your organization operating core functionality by a selection of CountWises exceptional product catalog today.

About CountWise:

CountWise specialized people traffic monitoring solutions for many public and private companies. Their product suite offers reliable customer data, which helps companies to increase the effectiveness of their operational practices for improved levels of organizational efficiency and thus higher profits. Visit CountWise for more information.

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