How to use an external SMTP server for sending email

on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why is this necessary feature?

MailBoy is a SMTP server integrated for sending messages directly from your PC to the recipient's e-mail server (without using any ISP SMTP server). It is the faster, more preferable method for sending e-mail messages.

However, for the correct work of the program, you must have access to port 25.

If you are operating in a restrictive firewall, as do most major providers of Internet access users, then you cannot use integrated MailBoy SMTP for sending messages, due to the blocking of port 25.

Most free ISP such as Juno, WorldShare, EarthLink, NetZero and other blocks port 25 and will only allow you to send an e-mail with their mail servers. In this case, you will need to use the SMTP server of your Internet service provider to transmit your message.

This is why we implemented in MailBoy the ability to use an external SMTP server for sending messages.

How does it work?

First of all, MailBoy sends a message to the external SMTP server. This server is your email address in the outgoing message queue, the message is sent to the server of your correspondent. And only after that your correspondent can receive.

If the server is not overloaded, deliver a message takes just a few seconds. But it can also take more time.

When to use it?

If your sending failure messages you've tried everything which is described in this article,
and again, without success, send a message. It is likely that your ISP blocks port 25, and you must use an external SMTP server to send messages.

The use of this feature?

You can set the use of an external SMTP server in the program Options dialog box:

  1. Check the option "use external SMTP server to deliver messages.
  2. "SMTP server" fill in the address of the SMTP server of your Internet service provider. If you do not know, please asko your ISP on this subject.
  3. Set the "Port" 25, unless your ISP indicated some other port for the use of the SMTP server. In this case, complete the value required by your ISP.
  4. If the external SMTP server requires authentication, and then check the option "this SMTP server requires authentication" and fill in your username in the field "login" and password into the field "Password".

This was it. You are now ready to send messages using an external SMTP server. If you want to switch back to using the Server SMTP integrated program, just uncheck the option "use the external SMTP server to deliver the messages" Options dialog box.


Define the optimal number of Threads

More ISPs not to send campaigns of email volume through their SMTP servers, because they were developed by sending limits. The limit could be the number of messages allowed to be send within an hour or a day, etc. Be sure so do not set a value for the number of Threads (in the Options dialog box). In this way you will also prevent oveloading of the SMTP server.

If your e-mail list is less than 1000 or a few thousand, the best is to define the number of Threads in the range of 1 to 5. Don't worry, the messages will be sent quickly, except if the SMTP server is currently occupied (or overloaded).

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